Designing with purpose and empathy

At the core of my design philosophy is a commitment to creating meaningful experiences that resonate with users. I strive to understand their unique needs, aspirations, and challenges, ensuring that every design decision serves a clear purpose.

Hi! I'm Kristoffer Ödman, a passionate designer and creative thinker. I love designing neat stuff that works! I strive for my design to produce results, be intuitive and easy to use – designs that adhere to your goals as well as the users' needs.

Kristoffer Ödman
About me

How not using an eraser became my greatest mentor

As a child I loved to draw. But I hated using an eraser – searching for one disturbed my creative process. Instead of making sure I always had one at hand, I decided to just stop using it.

When I could no longer erase my mistakes, I was forced to adapt to them and learn how to make them useful; to see them as gifts; doors to the unexpected. My mistakes provided opportunities to trust life. I soon noticed that the results became more interesting than my initial ideas.

Skipping the eraser taught me how to be responsive, adaptable and trusting – a valuable gift that has guided and helped me many times and inspires me in everything I do.

what I do

Web Design
Webflow Development
Product Design
Graphic Design
UX Design
UI Design

How I Do It

By understanding the users' needs, aspirations, and challenges, I make sure every design decision serves a clear purpose.

The results are engaging solutions that boost both conversion and retention.

what I do

Web Design
Webflow Development
Product Design
Graphic Design
UX Design
UI Design

How I Do It

By understanding the users' needs, aspirations, and challenges, I make sure every design decision serves a clear purpose.

The results are engaging solutions that boost both conversion and retention.

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